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[COAS-List] Jon comments on COAS spec

Given the Simple COAS IDL, we added "reference range" and "ordered test
mnemonic" in the returned observation struct in order to COAS-wrap simple
numeric lab results.  After browsing the updated spec todya, it appears to
me that these have been reasonably represented in "Context normal range" and
"CompositeObservation" respectively.

I suggest the following mods:
1) the document references HRAD - I think this is supposed to be HRAC (C is
for control).
2) numerous refeences to LONIC - I think is supposed to be LOINC.

Tomorrow I will raise the following questions:
- what is the "policy" mentioned on P12?
- has the information model been "harmonized" or compared to the HL7 RIM?
- The spec provides for Compositie Obseration:Demographics and Composite
Observation:Insurance.  Is everyone else comfortable with scoping this
beyond clinicals like this?

Otherwise, it has the appearance of excellent modelling and attention to
detail, although I am curious how much experimentation has been done on
various interfaces.  Since this is the "meat" of the patient record, I am
eager to get it out, as long as we'll get chances to really prove it before
final adoption.
