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[COAS-List] Re: ObservationValue IDL

I put together the IDl for ObservationValues and we are in the midst of coming to consensus. We have a teleconference scheduled for tomorrow and hopefully will have it finalized.

>>> David Forslund <dwf@acl.lanl.gov> 03/11 3:22 PM >>>
Any progress on the ObservationValue/ObservationQualfiers IDL
specification? We have a COAS server functioning now, but are using our
own datatypes in the ObservationValue any.  So even though we are using
the spec, no one can read our data unless we give them our IDL which
tells how to crack the any. We are pleased at how easy it was to make
TeleMed COAS compliant, but I'm not sure it will make it much easier for
others to read TeleMed supplied information.

We've discussed the desirability of expressing the structure of the any
through a XML DTD, so that we wouldn't be locked down to a particular
piece of code, but could advertise our datastructures more precisely. I
supposed this could/should be viewed as a role for the Interface
Repository, but being able to advertise the interfaces via XML has
value, too. I suppose that is where the XMLIT software that Juggy has
made available is useful.

Any thoughts?

David Forslund				 Voice:(505) 665-1907
Advanced Computing Laboratory		 FAX: (505) 665-4939
MS B287					 EMAIL: dwf@lanl.gov 
Los Alamos National Laboratory		 WWW: http://www.acl.lanl.gov/~dwf 
Los Alamos, NM 87545