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[COAS-List] latest IDL, v7.2


the latest IDL for COAS (version 7.2), including DSObservationValue.idl for
the data model, is available at 

various fixes and refinements have been made in the past month, and the
submitters are revising the documentation now.  we will post the .pdf and
others as soon as they are ready. 

the zipped package includes 8 files named as Abbreviated<standard>.idl
which are intended to assist in the "out of the box" experience with COAS.
these files excerpt only the COAS-referenced sections of various IDL files
like "CosNaming.idl".  this should allow someone to compile the COAS IDL
without searching for the IDL from other specifications.

a series of compiler directives can redirect the standard #include lines to
abbreviated versions; by default, COAS #includes the standard files.

for example, with VBJ 3.3.1 (beware: 3.3.0 has a preprocessor bug; 3.3.1
handles things correctly), a command line which includes only the
abbreviated files is:

idl2java -verbose -no_tie -no_examples  \

the abbreviated files also act as a snapshot of our dependency on the
current versions of the various other specifications.

let us know any problems you see.



p.s. Pop and other Protocol folks: please email this list if you move this
file to a better place :-)
Larry Hamel
Philips Medical Systems
2171 Landings Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043-0837

Voice:  +1 (650) 426 2553         
Email:  larryh@medgrid.philips.com
Fax:    +1 (650) 426 2550