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[COAS-List] CORBAMed Demo in Sun Booth

We envision the following CORBAMed demo for the Sun booth:

- Just PIDS (Person Identification Service) - no other specs as I had
earlier suggested.
- PIDS Clients by Care Data Systems and Los Alamos National Labs (LANL)
- PIDS Implementations by Protocol Systems, Care Data Systems, and Possibly
- Possible remote access from CareFlow/Net
The intent would be to demonstrate plug-and-play interoperability among
PIDS-compliant clients and servers

The Resources we request:
- We understand there would be one pedestal available with adjacent sign
space (we will coordinate with Jytte)
- The pedestal would be attended by rotation of people from the participants
and possibly OMG.
- Our client-side programs require JVM 1.1 (or higher if 1.1-compatible).
- You have indicated that your Solaris machine will include Netscape's
Latest  Browser
- The Ultra 10 processor should suffice if it contains the JIT compiler with
the JDK;  Otherwise the ultra 60 would be preferable.

We are hoping to minimize the need for network connectivity beyond the booth
LAN, because last year's CORBAMed demo particpants encountered a horrendous
and costly administrative fiasco in securing inter-booth communications.
Here is our proposed "server placement plan":

- Protocol's implementation runs inside their Vital Signs Monitoring System,
which they customarily run in your booth at HIMSS.  Please confirm that
Protocol may again run their system locally in your booth.
- Care Data would supply a minitower server to be placed in your booth
- LANL's implementation could run on an internet site, the Sun closet, or
possibly execute the client box itself (I believe it is purely java and uses
no RDBMS).  I will confirm this with the LANL person.
- CareFlow/Net connectivity TBD if they are even participating

Thanks for all your help.

Jon Farmer
Care Data Systems
(734) 856-8181