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[COAS-List] CORBAMed Demo in Sun Booth

Prologue:  Can anyone create a list server for this effort?  Host conference calls?

Sun's tentative position on what they can provide for a CORBAMed (or CORBAMed participants) demo:

Sun wants me to write them an email stating our requirements as clearly as possible so they can confirm it all.
I have heard interest from participants as follows (everyone correct me ASAP if I have anything wrong):
Other Specs:
Sorry if I missed anyone - correct me ASAPPlease feel free to contact me by email for common communications or voice when something is urgent.  This project is one of my several top priorities right now :).   I will convey our requirements/requests to Sun by 5pm EST Wednesday 12/16 based on whatever feedback I have received from you all by then.
These plans are predicated on confirmation of connectivity from Sun and HL7;  So far I think we'll have both, and I think it will be free.  If during the show the link has any problems, Care Data has a battery (actually we're building it now) of XML registrations and lab results that we can feed ourselves locally as a batch, as long as we get server space in the Sun closet.
We must all understand that this will come together to the extent that participants are prepared to
Because of the late start, we must all reserve the right to scale back ambitions if risks make it necessary.  I think I have to reserve the right to refuse any request that introduces new complexity into the mix at this point, or even to punt on any existing tentative plans above that head south do to tech problems or late efforts.  If such issues arise I will make them as democratic as possible subject to realistic expediency constraints.
Sun can send the client machine to one of us in January in order to pre-stage as much of the capabilities as possible before sending it to Orlando.  Care Data is willing to take this repsonsibility unless someone else wants it.  If Care Data or CareFlow does it, then we could work together in Naperville the first week in Feb when we are both there for HL7 staging.  We might also offer to host staging in Ann Arbor.