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Re: [COAS-List] qualifiers from HL7/CEN

At 11:17 AM 4/6/99 , Larry Hamel wrote:
>At 12:20 PM 4/5/99 -0600, David Forslund wrote:
>> > section 4.2.6 provides a list of possible qualifiers, but we specifically
>> > decided not to provide IDL definitions for these (reversing a previous
>> > decision in previous COAS drafts).  many of the items in 4.2.6 are
>> > by HL7 in the examples in section 12.5, and others are probably covered by
>> > reusing HL7 definitions.
>> >
>>The problem in my mind is whether there we will achieve sufficient
>>interoperability between servers without getting a larger list from the
>>HL7 or CEN definitions into the document. If none are required to be
>>supported, it isn't clear there will be any interoperability between
>>COAS servers.  Also, is the data defined by these qualifiers sufficient
>>unambiguous from the HL7 or CEN spec?  Do I assume that the values from
>>some of these qualifiers are then in HL7 segments which must be parsed
>>with an HL7 parser, or are they further broken down into atomic HL7
>>Does this question make sense to you?
>yes, this question makes sense.  
>note that with the naming convention in place, all definitions of HL7 and
>CEN are included in the document, in one manner of thinking.  are those
>specifications sufficiently unambiguous?  probably not. they are all we
>have right now, so i suppose that putting energy into tightening up those
>specs (like the HL7 Templates effort) is the best path right now for
>note that a big HL7 chunk can be broken down with the existing naming
>convention, e.g.
>const QualifiedCodeStr SpecimenSource = 
>	"DNS:omg.org/DSObservationAccess/HL72.3/OBR/SpecimenSource";
>refers to a big chunk of the OBR, but a finer grain code like 
>const QualifiedCodeStr SpecimenSourceBodySite = 
>	"DNS:omg.org/DSObservationAccess/HL72.3/OBR/SpecimenSource/BodySite";
>would specify a smaller piece.  

A brief statement along the linese of your example sited here would help
clarify how the 
HL7 segments are to be used, without having to explicitly put them into the



>i think we need to get some implementation experience before we add to the
>specification.  right now, we've said that observation data definition
>(qualifiers are observations) is out of our scope.