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Re: [COAS-List] Typos in spec; Trading with HL7, CEN codes?

At 06:58 PM 4/2/99 , Larry Hamel wrote:
At 02:43 PM 4/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
The part that is needed is the interface to the trader service, a la PIDS: service IdentificationComponent { interface IdentificationComponent;
mandatory readonly property string domain_name;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq interfaces_implemented;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq conformance_classes;
mandatory readonly property string component_name;
mandatory readonly property string component_version;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq supported_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq read_only_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq mandatory_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq searchable_traits;
readonly property StringSeq source_domains;

Thus we need the service specification for the Trader, so that we can advertise COAS services properly. The above is just an example, but should help doing the right thing for COAS.




is it important that the items be attributes on an interface, rather than operations?  we have AccessComponent with methods for dynamic discovery, if these suffice.

These aren't sufficient.  They work great once you are connected to a COAS server, but you need sometimes to ask a Trader for a COAS server that has certain capabilities before connecting to it.   Thus the service specified below is registered to the Trader by a server so that a client can "discover" its capabilities before connecting to it.  This is on page 208 of the March25 spec, so it is already taken care of.

Service AccessComponent {
  Interface AccessComponent;
  Mandatory readonly property StringSeq components_implemented;
  Readonly attribute StringSeq pid_service;
  Readonly attribute StringSeq terminology_service;
  Readonly attribute StringSeq trader_service;
  Readonly attribute StringSeq naming_service;
  Readonly property String component_name;
  Readonly property String component_version;
  Readonly property StringSeq supported_codes;
  Readonly property StringSeq supported_qualifiers;
  Readonly property StringSeq default_policies;
  Readonly property StringSeq supported_policies;




        interface AccessComponent {

          readonly attribute IdDomainName pids_domain_name;

          readonly attribute string coas_version;

          readonly attribute IdentificationComponent pid_service;

          readonly attribute TerminologyService terminology_service;

          readonly attribute TraderComponents trader_service;

          readonly attribute NamingContext naming_service;

          AccessComponentData get_components();

          QualifiedCodeStrSeq get_supported_codes(
                        in unsigned long max_sequence,
                        out QualifiedCodeIterator the_rest);

          QualifiedCodeStrSeq get_supported_qualifiers(
                in QualifiedCodeStr code )
                raises (
                    NotImplemented );

          QualifiedCodeStrSeq get_supported_policies();

          QueryPolicySeq get_default_policies();

          ObservationType get_observation_type(
                        in QualifiedCodeStr code)
                        NotImplemented );

           boolean are_iterators_supported();
          TimeStamp get_current_time();
