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Re: [COAS-List] Typos in spec; Trading with HL7, CEN codes?

I discovered after I sent the email that this is in the spec already. Sorry for cluttering up the
email list.

At 02:43 PM 4/2/99 , David W. Forslund wrote:
At 01:22 PM 4/2/99 , Larry Hamel wrote:
>>   There seems to be very little about the Trader interface as to what
>>should be exported to it, other than the suppported interfaces.   Is it
>>too much to have (some?) supported Observation types, much like PIDS so that
>>people can discover more about the COAS server?
>i need to understand more about this.  we have defined virtually no
>observation query codes in the spec, but we have defined a COAS naming
>convention for HL7 and CEN codes, shown in DSObservationQualifiers and
>DSObservationRelations, respectively.  This naming convention, in theory,
>provides thousands of Observation codes and return values "out of the box".
>could these be used to support Trading?
The part that is needed is the interface to the trader service, a la PIDS:
service IdentificationComponent {
interface IdentificationComponent;
mandatory readonly property string domain_name;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq interfaces_implemented;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq conformance_classes;
mandatory readonly property string component_name;
mandatory readonly property string component_version;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq supported_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq read_only_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq mandatory_traits;
mandatory readonly property StringSeq searchable_traits;
readonly property StringSeq source_domains;

Thus we need the service specification for the Trader, so that we can advertise COAS services properly. The above is just an example, but should help doing the right thing for COAS.

>p.s., a lexicon clarification: by "observation query code" i mean something
>like "DNS:omg.org/HL723/...", while an Observation type to me means
>something like DSObservationValue::Multimedia