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[COAS-List] COAS discussion invitation, Orlando Wed./Thurs.

COAS discussion invitation:

A group of submitters to the Clinical Observation Access Service (COAS)
proposal of the Object Management Group (OMG) healthcare domain task force
(CORBAmed) will be discussing the COAS proposal at the HL7 meeting in
Orlando, January 25-29, 1999.

The COAS proposal includes a data model closely related to HL7 OBX/OBR
concepts, and the goal of the discussion is to get feedback on
harmonization with HL7 v.3 and Template efforts.

Wednesday afternoon, about 1 pm: 
	The data model will be presented to the 
	joint meeting of the Clinical Template Task Force and SGML/XML SIG 
	(see Orlando schedule for room).  

Thursday morning 9 am:
	A general discussion and feedback opportunity regarding the
	data model will begin at 9am in the Adair room.  

Thursday morning/afternoon:
	If there is sufficient interest, the COAS access services will be 
	summarized and discussed following the data model discussion, 
	possibly extending into Thursday afternoon in the same location.

All interested HL7 attendees are invited.  

Larry Hamel
Philips Medical Systems
2171 Landings Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043-0837

Voice:  +1 (650) 426 2553         
Email:  larryh@medgrid.philips.com
Fax:    +1 (650) 426 2550