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[COAS-List] Status of Updating COAS IDL

COAS Submitters/Contributors,

I am in the process of updating the COAS spec relative to the latest
COAS Information model and discussions from the last meeting.  The
Information Model was created in Rational Rose98.  Even though Rose98
can generate IDL, the generated IDL can not be used directly.  The
Information Model is meant to be at a higher semantic level (hence
"Information Model") than is needed for the IDL ("Service" level). 
There needs to be some transformations in the model in order to make it
useful to describe the IDL.  For example modeling the service component
and the ramification of dealing with distribution.

However, having a graphical view of the IDL (via UML) can be useful for
people reading the IDL.  I have been working with Rose98 to determine if
it is practicle to describe the Service Model in UML and have it
generate IDL.  With a few scripts to process the generated IDL files it
appears that it can be useful.  I am then linking (via OLE) these IDL
files into the COAS document so that as they change they can be updated
automatically.  So far it seems like it is working.

I have discovered many advantages to modeling the Service level in UML. 
The class diagrams are very easy to generate and are easier to read than
straight text (i.e. IDL). As each IDL object/type is presented in the
spec I plan to show a UML class for it as well as its IDL.  I believe
this will help many people understand COAS service better and will
likely even help them learn IDL.

Any time I want to show a different view of the Service Model in the
document I can create a new class diagram and link it into the
document.  Changes to those diagrams automatically propogate to the
spec.  We could also show example usage scenerios with diagrams and even
use the diagrams to show the interfaces implemented for particular
conformance points.  For some of the interfaces I have already seen that
Sequence diagrams help to explain the semantics.

I have only been working on this for a couple days.  I have a lot more
to do.  Hopefully I'll have the IDL documented in this manner before the
COAS submitters'/contributors meeting on 14-15 December in Salt Lake


Tim Brinson
org:Protocol Systems, Inc.
adr:;;8500 SW Creekside Place;Beaverton;Oregon;97008-7107;USA
title:Systems Software Lead
tel;fax:503 526 4200
tel;work:503 526 4392
note:<img src=http://aco.protocol.com/pids/tbrinson.jpg>
fn:Tim Brinson