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[COAS-List] [FWD] Event system connection cases

I'm forwarding this message from Larry Hamel from Philips since it's been unable
to be sent to the list from his account.

Eric N.

<<Forwarded message>>

At the recent Colorado meeting, Tim and I discussed use-cases for how a
client might subscribe (connect) to events from a COAS server.

First, consider the case where both client and server connect themselves to
a channel that they somehow discover:

        SERVER -->  c-CHANNEL-c  <-- CLIENT

        legend:  the small "c" means that some kind of "connect()"
                function exists.  The "c" function is different
                for client or server, but allow me
                to generalize in this ASCII representation.

                the <-- and --> arrows indicate a "connect" call.

Second, consider an IT management application that instigates all
connections.  The three event players, client, server, and channel, do not
discover each other by themselves.  Instead, all players provide connect()
functions and depend on an omniscient manager to do the tying together:


        SERVER-c    c-CHANNEL-c    c-CLIENT

        legend:  imagine lines from the manager, making "connect" calls; the
                  manager has references to all three players.

Third, we leave out the channel, directly connecting client and server.
This case may appear to the client just like the first case if the server
implements the channel API, especially if we make spoofing this API easy:

        SERVER-c  <-- CLIENT

QUESTION:  Are there other scenarios we should account for?

Later we can discuss the specific "subscribe" functions to support these
scenarios, as well as the interfaces necessary on client and server to
accomplish these connections.  Tim: let me know if I missed anything.
These notes are old :-).



Larry Hamel
Principal Software Engineer
Philips Medical Systems
2171 Landings Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043-0837

Voice:  +1 (650) 426 2553
Email:  larryh@medgrid.philips.com
Fax:    +1 (650) 426 2550

org:Baptist Health Systems of South Florida
adr:;;;Coral Gables;FL;33143;US
title:Systems Architect, Object Technology Group
tel;fax:(305) 273-2681
tel;work:(305) 596-6515
fn:Eric Navarro