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[COAS-List] COAS - Helsinki

Charles, Tim,

Like Charles, I am trying to plan time/travel for end July.  The 
latest possible CORBAmed/COAS agenda for Helsinki appears to be:

Monday 27th July  - COAS - medical info. models, Euro/US etc..
Tuesday 28th July - CORBAmed core sessions
Wednesday 29th July - CORBAmed core sessions
Thursday 30th July - COAS - IDL stuff

Given the above, I would attend Monday through Wednesday.  I'm not 
sure whether my colleague, Doug Simmonds would also want to attend 

Am I right, can I plan travel yet or am I jumping the gun?

Kind regards


Peter Nicklin, NHS IMC,
c/o CHSR, 21 Claremont Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4AA, UK
Tel: +44 191 230 3614   Fax: +44 191 230 4563  Mobile: +44 831 198319
X400: imc/G=Peter/S=Nicklin/O=nhs_imc/OU=cbs@mhs.attmail.com