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[COAS-List] DICOM Structured Reporting -Forwarded



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Members of DICOM Working Group 8 (Structured Reporting) are requested to
attend a meeting of the newly created DICOM Working Group10 (Strategic
Advisory).  A major topic at this meeting will be a discussion of DICOM
Structured Reporting and the interplay between the DICOM protocol and
the Internet (esp. XML).

DICOM Working Group10 (Strategic Advisory) 
Wednesday, August 26, 1998; 9:00 - 5:00
Hyatt Hotel Fisherman's Wharf 
555 North Point Street 
San Francisco, CA 94133 
phone (415)563-1234 
FAX (415)749-6122
*hotel reservation information below

This is the first meeting of this new working group, co-chaired by Dr.
Dean Bidgood and Mr. Kees Smedema.  It occurs the day before the DICOM
Standards Committee meeting on Thursday  August 27, 1998 (8:00 a.m. -
5:00 p.m).  

Update on Structured Reporting:
The last official meeting of Working Group 8 (Structured Reporting) was
August 1997.  Since that time, the SR standard (Suppl 23) was approved
on November 20, 1997 by Working Group 6 as a Frozen Draft for trial use.

The SR standard (sup23_fz.doc) can be viewed either on the Duke
Standards server: 
or on the NEMA/Medical/DICOM server:
The SNOMED DICOM Microglossary (SDM) can be viewed on the College of
American Pathologists SNOMED website:

*Hotel Reservations:
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has reserved a block of sleeping
rooms for the special rate of $169 for single or double at the Hyatt
Fisherman's Wharf (meeting site). The block of sleeping rooms will be
held until July 28, 1998. When making
reservations please state that you are with the American Academy of
Ophthalmology AAO/DICOM Meeting to receive the special rate.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Karen Kudla	
Staff Liaison DICOM Working Group 8 (Structured Reporting)
College of American Pathologists;   
SNOMED Division
325 Waukegan Road;    
Northfield, IL  60093
tel:  847-832-7446;   fax: 847-832-8335;  e-mail:  kkudla@cap.org

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