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CADSE Research Seminars - Fall 1999

Hi, All,

Welcome back, and for those who are new, welcome.

I'd like to start CADSE Research Seminar series for Fall 99. These
are a good place to exchange and learn new research ideas and results,
for you for get familar with what we are doing at CADSE. I'd like all
CADSE members make effort to attend these seminars. Please also feel
to volunteer a presentation as well. Tentatively, I'd like the following

people to present their research work at the scheduled dates, unless
announced. The presenters are responsible to send out presentation
and/or slides to this mailing list. For those who are new, please
to this mailing list by sending a message to majordomo@cs.fiu.edu and
in the body of the messages "subscribe cadse-orb". All our seminars
at 3:30PM in ECS281, and last about 1.5-2 hours

Tentative Seminar Schedule:

9/17/99,  Nikhil Iyer, "Mobile computing and ad hoc networks, Part 1"
10/1/99, Nikhil Iyer, "Mobile computing and ad hoc networks, Part 2"
10/15/99, Konstantin Beznosov & Luis Espinal, "Software Security and
                Access Control based on Distributed Objects"
10/29/99, Jiacun Wang, "Formal Methods for Software Architectural
                and Analysis"
11/12/99, Dianxiang Xu & Junhua Ding, "Software Agents Modeling and
                Mobile Agent Facility"
11/26/99, TBA

-- Yi Deng

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