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Drugstore.com set for opening, Amazon.com tells interest

Drugstore.com is expected to debut on the Web on Thursday. The
e-tailer site boasts backing from the venture-capital firm that
launched Amazon.com, and is being directed by former Microsoft
(MSFT) content chief Peter Neupert. The site will sell
prescription and over-the-counter drugs, health and beauty aids.
Drugstore.com is not the first such site onto the Web, but it's
probably the most anticipated, given its prestigious pedigree.
Last month, Seattle-based competitor Soma.com had its debut. Late
this afternoon, Amazon.com (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos announced his
company owns 46 percenmt of Drugstore.com. . Last week,
Drugstore.com revealed marketing arrangements with America Online
(AOL) and Excite Inc. (XCIT).

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