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                              C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S
___   __   __     __  __
 | | |  | |  | / |__||__|      International Symposium on
_|_| |__| |  |    /   /        Edinburgh, 5-6th September, 1999

              URL: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/conf/doa99
              Co-locatedwith VLDB'99 International Conference

                Supported by: OMG    Sponsonerd by: IONA

                Proceedings to be published by IEEE Press

     Best papers will be invited for expanded publication in a special
                  issue of the TAPOS International Journal

     Are you building applications using distributed objects (DO)?
     Are you doing research in fundamental technology, methodology or new
     tools for DO?
     Are you using some of the existing distributed object systems?

     Consider contributing a practice report or a research paper to this
     innovative event, and to present, discuss and obtain feedback for your
     ideas among other practitioners and researchers active in the same

     There is increasing agreement among IT researchers and practitioners
     about the importance and potential of distributed object systems and
     the advances in this area made in recent years. These systems offer
     many promises for use in various applications, including
     telecommunications, banking applications and many other domains. DO
     systems are starting to offer practical, real-life production solutions
     to technical problems, including interoperability across different
     software and database platforms. Distributed object systems are built
     according to different paradigms and architectures, such as OMG's
     CORBA, Microsoft's COM and other object request broker principles and
     implementations, and contingent technologies such as SUN's Java-based
     active objects, to provide a basis for building complex distributed

     The future success of DO systems will not only be dependent on how the
     basic requirements (to develop open, reliable and scalable distributed
     and heterogeneous applications and platforms) are met but also how the
     underlying distributed object technology can be integrated with
     existing complementary technologies and applications, such as WWW,
     multimedia and databases. The reengineering of legacy systems may
     substantially benefit from the use of DO, e.g. when turning them into
     data warehouses. Further standardization of distributed object concepts
     will very likely unlock many new areas of application still.

     TWO DIMENSIONS: Research & Practice

     As research in DO establishes new principles, enhancing our
     understanding of the fundamental issues involved, and opening the way
     to new tools and methodologies for DO, so conversely practical
     experience in real-life DO projects drives the avenues of this same
     research by exposing new ideas and posing new types of problems to be
     solved. With the DOA Symposium we explicitly intend to provide a forum
     to help this mutual interaction occur, and to trigger and foster it.
     Submissions can be entered along both these dimensions: research
     (theory, fundamentals, principles of DO) and practice (applications,
     experience, pragmatics of DO). Contributions attempting to cross over
     the gap between these two dimensions will, of course, be especially

     As we are fully aware of the differences in environment for research
     and development that exist in academia and industry, submissions from
     each will be treated accordingly and judged by a peer review not only
     for scientific rigor (in the case of "academic research" papers) but
     for originality and generality of application (in the case of "case
     studies" papers). Papers of each type will be presented in parallel
     tracks at the Symposium, but with maximal opportunity for interaction
     for researchers and developers working on related topics.

     To summarize, during the DOA'99 Symposium we therefore want attendees
     to be able to evaluate existing ORB middleware products; to analyze,
     and propose solutions to major limitations of existing products; and to
     indicate promising future research directions for distributed objects.
     We are particularly interested in the evaluation of existing DO systems
     and how they are used to design and to implement large scale industrial
     distributed applications. We are seeking theoretical as well as
     practical papers addressing innovative issues related to distributed


     The topics of this symposium include, but are not limited to:

        o Critique of the distributed object paradigm
        o Distributed business objects
        o Distributed and mobile agents
        o Design patterns for distributed object design
        o Database services, in particular persistency, transaction, query
          and replication services
        o Intelligent traders
        o Interoperability-supporting environments
        o Integration with database systems and interfaces
        o Methodologies to develop distributed object applications
        o Reintegration of legacy systems in DO environments
        o Design of CORBA, COM- and Java-based broker applications
        o Multimedia distributed objects
        o Multicast protocols for distributed objects
        o Object caching
        o Reliability, fault-tolerance and recovery
        o Real-time ORB middleware
        o Reports on Best Practice
        o Security
        o Specification and enforcement of quality of service
        o Standardization of distributed objects
        o Wrapper libraries and wrapper implementation strategies


               Electronic submission:        April 1st, 1999
               Notification of
               acceptance:                    May 15th, 1999
               Camera-ready copies:          June 15th, 1999
               Symposium:                September 5-6, 1999


     All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on
     originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
     expression. Submissions should be clearly labeled "Research",
     "Practice" or "PC discretion". All papers will be refereed by at
     least three members of the program committee, and at least two
     will be experts from industry in the case of practice reports.
     All submissions must be in English. Research submissions must not
     exceed 8,000 words. Practice reports must not exceed 5,000 words.
     Submissions should be in the form of a single uuencoded compressed
     PostScript file sent by e-mail to


     and must be accompanied by a separate email message with the following
     information on the paper:

               e-mail and address of the contact author
               optional list of (key)words to appear in the index
               classification as research, practice or at discretion of PC
               formal commitment, if paper is accepted, to register for
               DOA'99 and present the paper

     Please make sure that your PostScript file can be previewed with
     GhostScript and is printable on a standard PostScript printer. We also
     accept Microsoft Word submissions. If electronic submission is not
     possible, please contact

                    Zahir Tari

     to make special arrangements, at least two weeks before the submission
     deadline. The final proceedings will be published by IEEE Press.
     Failure to commit presentation at the conference automatically excludes
     a paper from the proceedings.


     General chair

          Asuman Dogac
          Middle East Technical University
          Ankara, Turkey

     Program committee co-chairs

          Zahir Tari
          RMIT, Department of Computer Science
          GPO Box 2476V, VIC 3001
          Melbourne, Australia
          (phone) ++61-3-9660-3782
          (fax)  ++61-3-9662-1617

          Omran Bukhres
          Purdue University at Indianapolis
          Department of Computer & Information Science
          723 W. Michigan St., SL 28 0, Indianapolis
          Indiana 46202, USA

          Robert Meersman
          Free University Of Brussel (VUB)
          Building F-G 10, Pleinlaan 2
          B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
          (fax) ++32 (2) 629-3525

          Richard Soley
          Object Management Group (OMG), Inc.
          492 Old Connecticut Path
          Framingham, MA  01701 U.S.A.
          (phone) ++1-508-820 4300
          (fax )  ++1-508-820 4303

     Organising chair

          Peter Thanisch
          The University of Edinburgh
          Department of Computer Science
          Mayfield Road
          Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
          (phone) ++0131 650 5133
          (fax) ++0131 667 7209

     Publicity chair

          Sam Makki
          RMIT, Department of Computer Science
          GPO Box 2476V, VIC 3001
          Melbourne, Australia

     Program committee

          Gustavo Alonso (ETH, Zurich)
          Bill Appelbe (RMIT, Australia)
          Roger Barnett (Real Objects Ltd, UK)
          Jose Blakeley (Microsoft, USA)
          Anthony Bloesch (Visio Corp., USA)
          Sjaak Brinkkemper (Baan, The Netherlands)
          Michael Brodie (GTE, USA)
          David Curtis (OMG, USA)
          Klaus Dittrich (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
          Chris Gokey (NASA, USA)
          Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Switzerland)
          Slimane Hammoudi (Univ. of Minho, Portugal)
          Dimitris Karagiannis (University of Vienna and B.O.C. GmbH, Austria)
          Roger King (University of Colorado, USA)
          Wojtek Kozaczynski (Rational Software Corporation, USA)
          Sacha Krakowiak (University of Grenoble, France)
          Ling Liu (Oregon Graduate Institute, USA)
          Frank Manola (Object Services and Consulting, USA)
          Michele Missikoff (CNR Roma, Italy)
          Jishnu Mukerji (HP New Jersey Labs, USA)
          Tom Northcutt (NASA, USA)
          Kunio Ohno (INS Engineering Corporation, Japan)
          Tamer Ozsu (University of Alberta, Canada)
          Mike P. Papazoglou (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
          Kerry Raymond (DSTC, Australia)
          Jean-Bernard  Stefani (France Telecom, France)
          Hakki Toroslu (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
          Irv Traiger (IBM Santa Teresa Lab, USA)
          Arkady Zaslavsky (Monash University, Australia)
          Roberto Zicari (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ., Germany)
          Wilfried Verachtert (MediaGenix, Belgium)
          Andreas Vogel (Inprise Corp, USA)
          Andrew Watson (OMG, USA)


     Authors of selected papers will be requested to commit to register for
     the Symposium and present their papers as a condition of final
     acceptance. Attendees can also register to VLDB'99 conference which
     will be held afterward.


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