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RE: Use Cases and RM-ODP

> IMHO, as a designer, I would always keep sys reqs within business scope.   
> In your example, sys reqs might not explicitly indicate
> the system should use TCP/IP, instead of other implementation scheme.   
> They only say, "the new system should be able to be easily
> incorporated into the existing intranet".  It is the designer's  
> responsibility to find out how to implement the system to meet the
> business reqs, and to describe the way in tech view at later the
> analysis  stage or earlier the design stage.

I mostly agree. It depends on how strong a stmt the one in quotes
above is. Is that a general,loose stmt that will be delegated to the
designer at design time, or somehting that is, in fact, so important that
it is a business policy?

>* I don't care about what something was DESIGNED to do,
> * I care about what it CAN do.
How appropriate, indeed!

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