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RE: Use Cases and RM-ODP

> Jinny Uppal wrote:
> >
> > Well said. At the same time, it seems to me that Use Cases are essentially
> > used to capture the requirements of the system, the "things" that you
> > should be able to do with the system. In traditional OOAD you draw
> > Use Cases in the analysis phase. Ofcourse when you have an object model
> > you would want to verify the correctness of the model by checking if the
> > use case is 'doable'. In other words, all the other models (for ex in the
> > information and computational viewpoints of RMODP) you would verify the
> > 'doability' of Usecases already drawn (in the enterprise model? I would
> > think so. Which viewpoint are you in when you do analysis, which is really
> > understanding the requirements of the business under question?).
> Why do you think that system requirements are for enterprise view and
> they are only business ones?
> If you want to integrate a new system in your enterprise environment
> you have to understand and mandate requirements for all viewpoints.
> Here is a simple example: if you, as a customer, provide just business
> requirements and forget to ask that the distributed system should use
> TCP/IP stack (technology viewpoint) you will end up with a system that
> may
> completely satisfy your business requirements (enterprise viewpoint) and
> yet to be very expensive to integrate in the the existing network
> environment.

IMHO, as a designer, I would always keep sys reqs within business scope.  In your example, sys reqs might not explicitly indicate
the system should use TCP/IP, instead of other implementation scheme.  They only say, "the new system should be able to be easily
incorporated into the existing intranet".  It is the designer's responsibility to find out how to implement the system to meet the
business reqs, and to describe the way in tech view at later the analysis stage or earlier the design stage.

Jing Xue
* I don't care about what something was DESIGNED to do,
* I care about what it CAN do.
*                            -- Gene Kranz, "Apollo 13"

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