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Re: Use Cases and RM-ODP

> Why do you think that system requirements are for enterprise view and
> they are only business ones?
well, you are right on one thing. System requirements are NOT enterprise
policies only. Please comment on where in RM-ODP do they fit in?

> If you want to integrate a new system in your enterprise environment
> you have to understand and mandate requirements for all viewpoints.
> Here is a simple example: if you, as a customer, provide just business
> requirements and forget to ask that the distributed system should use
> TCP/IP stack (technology viewpoint) you will end up with a system that
> may
> completely satisfy your business requirements (enterprise viewpoint) and
> yet to be very expensive to integrate in the the existing network
> environment.
That, depends. If the requirement that TCP/IP be used is major enough, the
enterprise might make it a business policy : "All future systems will
use/support  TCP/IP". An existing example may be found at home. Depending
on how important CORBA compatilibity is, Baptist will probably make(or
already has made) it a business policy "Thou shalt support (provide) CORBA

Kent, listening?  


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