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Re: [COAS-List] Typos in spec; Trading with HL7, CEN codes?

Larry Hamel writes:
 > Dave,
 > >5.2.2 (p93) QualifiedNameStr is defined in NamingAuthority (not in LQS)
 > >
 > >5.3.2 (p112) "are_iterators_supported()"   Next sentence is incomplete
 > >
 > >6.2 (p140) "QualifiedNameStrQualifiedCodeStr;" needs a space
 > thanks!  i'll take care of the section 5 & 6 typos.
 > >
 > >Issue:
 > >   There seems to be very little about the Trader interface as to what
 > >should be exported to it, other than the suppported interfaces.   Is it
 > >too much to have (some?) supported Observation types, much like PIDS so that
 > >people can discover more about the COAS server?
 > >
 > i need to understand more about this.  we have defined virtually no
 > observation query codes in the spec, but we have defined a COAS naming
 > convention for HL7 and CEN codes, shown in DSObservationQualifiers and
 > DSObservationRelations, respectively.  This naming convention, in theory,
 > provides thousands of Observation codes and return values "out of the box".
 > could these be used to support Trading?

I would think so.     This seems to be consistent with what PIDS
defines, although perhaps not all the ambiguity is resolved.

 > p.s., a lexicon clarification: by "observation query code" i mean something
 > like "DNS:omg.org/HL723/...", while an Observation type to me means
 > something like DSObservationValue::Multimedia

I may not have had my nomenclature correct above.


 > larry