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[COAS-List] Re: EHCR-SupA

>I recall a few weeks back you mentioned the EHCR-SupA documents either were
on the web or would be soon.  Could send the
> URL for it?  I would like to review it for consistency/Harmonization with
the COAs work.  Is it the same as the CEN TC251
> WG1/PT26 "Health Informatics - Electronic Health Care Record
Communication - Part 1: Extended Architecture"?

Hi Tim,

Hope everything's going well - I confess that I haven't been keeping up with
all the latest CORBAmed/COAS email - it gets filtered into an email folder
where it sits until I get the chance to catch up with it.  If ever you want
a swift response, the best thing to do is email me directly.  In this case,
the word "EHCR-SupA" filtered it to somewhere I spotted it!

Anyway, the answer is basically, no it isn't.  CEN are producing the next
version of the standard and EHCR-SupA as a support action, is looking at
what it (and other projects) produces and offering constructive suggestions
as well as enhancements and continuing beyond where CEN leaves off.
EHCR-SupA's public web site is at
http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCR-SupA (the address is case-sensitive
too).  However, due to some very irritating events causing a delay in the
project recently, not everything is on there yet.  I will chase it up asap.

>BTW, I think you will be pleased with the response of the COAS team
addressing your issues.  I will try to get a summary of
> this week's meeting out soon.  I will also try to address your previous
emails and indicate what did for each point.
>Thanx for the input so far.


My pleasure - look forward to seeing how it's all going and hope to get to a
meeting out there sometime next year!

Merry Christmas,