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Re: [COAS-List] Plan for final submitters meetings anddocumentationdates

Can HL7 provide a room for a CORBAMed Clinical Observations Submitters
meeting either (Mon. and Tues.) or (Thurs. and Fri.) in Orlando?  We are all
HL7 members!  I would estimate there will be about 15 people.
If the general answer is "yes in certain time windows" that you specify, we
can get back to you quickly to confirm it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>
To: Charles Carman <ccarman@medgrid.philips.com>
Cc: coas@cs.fiu.edu <coas@cs.fiu.edu>
Date: Friday, December 18, 1998 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [COAS-List] Plan for final submitters meetings

>Charles Carman wrote:
>>   1/25-29/99 - HL7 meeting near Orlando, FL
>>         Submitters meeting either (Mon. and Tues.) or (Thurs. and Fri.)
>Who is going to contact HL7 about this?  Stan said that HL7 might have
>extra rooms.  They have provided rooms for other groups in the past
>(e.g. IEEE 1073).  We can see if they would do that for us as well since
>the intent of the COAS meeting is for harmonization between the COAS
>work and HL7 work.
>Does anyone know who to contact at HL7?