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Re: [COAS-List] Patient record and categories


The patient scenerio turned out blank.  There was a single page that had an
outline of an object (picture) but nothing in the picture.  I am running NT 4.0
with Word95.  Since it was an RTF I figure Word97 would have shown the same


Peter Nicklin wrote:
> Dear COAS
> Some time ago I undertook to prepare a patient record scenario and
> to map some general categories against some of the entries on the
> Sonomed microglossay.  These two are attached (only 6K).
> The patient record scenario is simple, but I have checked it with a
> clinician and it is accurate.  It is also representative of the kind
> of all encompassing "Electronic Health record" that is the
> centrepiece of the UK's newly published health information strategy.
> The strategy can be found on:
> www.imt4nhs.exec.nhs.uk/strategy/index.htm
> The government is taking it very seriously indeed - seriously enough
> to be committing GBP 300 million (USD half billion) of new money, per
> year for the next seven years.
> Regards
> Peter
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Peter Nicklin, NHS IMC,
> c/o CHSR, 21 Claremont Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4AA, UK
> Tel: +44 191 230 3614   Fax: +44 191 230 4563  Mobile: +44 831 198319
> X400: imc/G=Peter/S=Nicklin/O=nhs_imc/OU=cbs@mhs.attmail.com
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