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[COAS-List] UML for the Access Model

I have put together a simple UML Object model for the COAS service.  It
contains the AccessComponent interfaces including their attributes and

The model is attached as a Rational Rose file (UML 1.0, NOT Rose98).

At the conference call on Monday we mentioned we wanted to present the
service model in Burlingame.  Any comments or suggestions? 

Note that this model is subject to change as we continue to craft COAS.

Tim Brinson

(object Petal
    version    	40)

(object Design "Logical View"
    is_unit    	TRUE
    is_loaded  	TRUE
    file_name  	"$DATA\\service1.mdl"
    quid       	"363FB1B80060"
    defaults   	(object defaults
	rightMargin 	0.250000
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	showMessageNum 	1
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	notation   	"Unified")
    root_usecase_package 	(object Class_Category "Use Case View"
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	exportControl 	"Public"
	global     	TRUE
	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
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	    (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
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    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
	quid       	"363FB1B80061"
	stereotype 	"ObservationAccessService"
	exportControl 	"Public"
	subsystem  	"Component View"
	quidu      	"363FB1B8006B"
	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Class "<<interface>> AccessComponent"
		quid       	"363FB1DA0069"
		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
		    (object ClassAttribute "domain_name"
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		    (object ClassAttribute "component_name"
			quid       	"363FC0510013"
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		    (object ClassAttribute "pid_component"
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		    (object ClassAttribute "terminology_service"
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		    (object ClassAttribute "naming_context"
			quid       	"363FC0A302E2"
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	    (object Class "<<interface>> PatientAccess"
		quid       	"363FB1FA0033"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "get_observations_with_policy"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)))
	    (object Class "<<interface>> IdentityAccess"
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		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB30F0117"
			supplier   	"<<interface>> AccessComponent"
			quidu      	"363FB1DA0069"))
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "get_identity_seq"
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			uid        	0)))
	    (object Class "<<interface>> ConstraintLangAccess"
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		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB4EA035F"
			supplier   	"<<interface>> AccessComponent"
			quidu      	"363FB1DA0069"))
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		    (object Operation "constraint_query"
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			uid        	0))
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		    (object ClassAttribute "supported_constraints"
			quid       	"363FBB4D0310"
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	    (object Class "<<interface>> FederatedAccess"
		quid       	"363FB4740279"
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		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB4FA024A"
			supplier   	"<<interface>> AccessComponent"
			quidu      	"363FB1DA0069"))
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		    (object Operation "load_observation"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)))
	    (object Class "<<interface>> AsynchAccess"
		quid       	"363FB48902F2"
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		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB50D020B"
			supplier   	"<<interface>> AccessComponent"
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		    (object Operation "get_observation"
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			parameters 	(list Parameters
			    (object Parameter "argname"
				type       	"argtype"
				initv      	"default"))
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "get_observations_by_time"
			quid       	"363FC17A01DD"
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			uid        	0)
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "get_observations_with_policy"
			quid       	"363FC1EA03A1"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "cancel_get"
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			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)))
	    (object Class "<<interface>> EventConsumerFactory"
		quid       	"363FB4A4012E"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB510011F"
			supplier   	"<<interface>> AccessComponent"
			quidu      	"363FB1DA0069"))
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		    (object Operation "create_consumer"
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			uid        	0)
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			uid        	0))
		class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
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			quid       	"363FBD1603C2"
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	    (object Class "<<interface>> EventSupplierFactory"
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		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"363FB51401B1"
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			    (object Parameter "argname"
				type       	"argtype"
				initv      	"default"))
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	    (object Class "<<interface>> EventSupplier"
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			uid        	0)))
	    (object Class "<<interface>> AsynchCallback"
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		    (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
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			Containment 	"By Reference"
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		    (object Role "calls back"
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			quidu      	"363FB48902F2"
			is_navigable 	TRUE))))
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			    Parent_View 	@1
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			width      	634
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			location   	(442, 1148)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
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			    location   	(87, 1044)
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			compartment 	(object Compartment
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			IncludeAttribute 	TRUE
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			location   	(1142, 2262)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
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			    location   	(834, 2183)
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			    location   	(819, 2242)
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			location   	(1464, 237)
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			    Parent_View 	@4
			    location   	(1140, 35)
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			    (1751, 451)))
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org:Protocol Systems, Inc.
adr:;;8500 SW Creekside Place;Beaverton;Oregon;97008-7107;USA
title:Systems Software Lead
tel;fax:503 526 4200
tel;work:503 526 4392
note:<img src=http://aco.protocol.com/pids/tbrinson.jpg>
fn:Tim Brinson