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[COAS-List] Reminder: Conference Call

Tim Brinson wrote:
> Date:
>         Monday 2 November 1998
> Time:
>         09:00-11:00 am PST
>         12:00-02:00 pm EST
>         05:00-07:00 pm GMT
> Phone #:
>         734-763-1533
> Topics:
>         COAS and XML relationships
>         Model for ObservationValue
>         Prepare for CORBAmed presentation
>         Agenda for COAS meeting in Burlingame
>         HIMSS demo
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>   Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>
>   Systems Software Lead
>   Protocol Systems, Inc.
>   Tim Brinson
>   Systems Software Lead    <tim@protocol.com>
>   Protocol Systems, Inc.   HTML Mail
>   8500 SW Creekside Place  Work: 503 526 4392
>   Beaverton                Fax: 503 526 4200
>   Oregon                   Netscape Conference Address
>   97008-7107               Netscape Conference DLS Server
>   USA
>   [Image]
>   Additional Information:
>   Last Name     Brinson
>   First Name    Tim
>   Version       2.1

-- BEGIN included message

I have put the latest COAS UML models on the web for access by you
submitters, contributors and supporters.  Remember these are drafts. 
Your comments are welcome.

The base model for an Observation:


The model for an Observation Value (one of subjects for Monday
conference call):


The model for an Observation Qualifier:


begin:          vcard
fn:             Tim Brinson
n:              Brinson;Tim
org:            Protocol Systems, Inc.
adr:            8500 SW Creekside Place;;;Beaverton;Oregon;97008-7107;USA
email;internet: tim@protocol.com
title:          Systems Software Lead
tel;work:       503 526 4392
tel;fax:        503 526 4200
note:           <img src=http://aco.protocol.com/pids/tbrinson.jpg>
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: TRUE
version:        2.1
end:            vcard

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