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[COAS-List] [COAS] Car Share - Oregon 10/13 Sept


I'll be attending the COAS workshop on Friday 11th through Sunday 
13th at the Resort at the mountain.  I will arrive at Portland 
airport at 22.15 on the 10th and expect to leave the Resort for 
Seattle mid/late afternoon on the 13th.  Unless there are people with 
private cars who are prepared to offer a lift, I plan to hire a 
car - any takers for a share?



Peter Nicklin, NHS IMC,
c/o CHSR, 21 Claremont Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4AA, UK
Tel: +44 191 230 3614   Fax: +44 191 230 4563  Mobile: +44 831 198319
X400: imc/G=Peter/S=Nicklin/O=nhs_imc/OU=cbs@mhs.attmail.com