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Re: [COAS-List] Next Submitter's Meeting

Hopefully this will come out of the conference call this week. Is there an agenda yet?

>>> Mary Kratz <mkratz@umich.edu> 08/10 11:20 AM >>>
The revised submission for COAS is scheduled to be presented in Seattle.
Is there a date of choice for the COAS submitters to present the revised
submission to CORBAmed at the Seattle meeting?


Mary E. Kratz
University of Michigan Health System
Medical Center Information Technology - Special Projects Division
4251 Plymouth Road, Suite 3300
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785
v:(313)763-6871 f:(313)763-0629

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Tom Culpepper wrote:

> Tim,
> Do you have further information? Or do we go ahead and make plans for the 11-13 of Sept at The Resort at the Mountain?
> Tom
> >>> Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com> 07/24 6:27 PM >>>
> We had a quite productive submitter's meeting this week in Louisville,
> CO.  Chuck Carmen took excellent minutes which will be forwarded to the
> list.  A few of the submitters will be at the Helsinki meeting to meet
> with European COAS interests on Monday and then spending more time on
> Thursday.  The next Submitter's meeting will be:
> 	Fri-Sun 11-13 September 
> 	The Resort at the Mountain
> 	Welches, Oregon
> I found out The Resort is available at that time  and they have blocked
> out 12-15 rooms.  I will send out more information when I return from
> Helsinki.
> These dates are right before the OMG/CORBAmed meeting in Seattle and the
> HL7 meeting in San Francisco.  That way east coasters don't have to fly
> across the US twice.
> Tim