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[COAS-List] phone conference system at UMich


Info on the UMich conference-call system is copied below, from the old list.  

This info will thus enter the convenient archives for this list
(http://cadse.cs.fiu.edu/omg/coas/).  BTW, the old list is "archived" (all
in one file) at that same URL, thanks to folks like Eric Navarro at Baptist
and FIU.

Mary kindly reserves conference time for us on the UMich system, which is

We'll benefit from your participation, if you can make it.


This service is a "meet-me" conference service.  Your number will be
charged for a phone call to participate in the conference call.  

The number to dial into is +1 (734)647-2802.  We are currently under the
area code change, so if the (734) exchange does not work try
(313)647-2802.  (734) should work, but just in case try (313).


If we dial in and [someone is] still on the line, we can
let them know that we have the line scheduled...


>I'd like to but I'm not sure how I go about this - or even if I can - (cue
>Mary :-) )