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Re: [COAS-List] COAS - Various

>Please allow me to remind the ever-growing COAS submitter's team ONE MORE
>TIME that the original intent of COAS was to consider the COMMON problems
>associated with observational data (e.g. identification, location, access)
>and to solve these, leaving the specifics for later RFPs and responses.
>Richard -- I couldn't agree with you more that the whole problem space of
>clinical observations is HUGE and will take longer than the indicated time
>to model (perhaps longer than our working lifetimes)!  So PLEASE -- let's
>refocus our efforts and come up with an immediate solution to the specific
>FRAMEWORK problem space.
>Let's eat this elephant one bite at a time and NOT try to figure out how to
>swallow it whole.  If we do, we will all starve amid the adundance of food!

What a wonderful analogy!!! I hope you won't mind if I quote you some time.
If I dare to take it up:  I think what we are doing - and rightly - at the
moment, is making sure we can see what the elephant is before knowing which
are the good bits to chew on!

>If anyone REALLY wants to tackle anything OTHER than the framework and
>measurement data as the required (by the RFP) specific data type, then
>PLEASE avail yourselves of your rights to form a competing team and
>submission of your own.  We really will not be offended -- we will get two
>or more submissions which will be easier to harmonize that trying to do
>everythin on one team (IMHO).

I think you are absolutely right about the framework plus a few specifics -
let's see how it goes.

>Richard, Peter and other modelers -- I'm 99.999% sure that your models can
>be harmonized rapidly at the "framework" level.

Me too

>Let's please get together
>and feast on this elephant, one bite at a time!  Please!

As long as I don't get the tusks :-)

CU in Helsinki,