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Re: [COAS-List] COAS - Access Contol

Please point me to HRAC so I can get educated.

>>> Kent Wreder <KENTW@bhssf.org> 07/16 1:36 PM >>>
I'd like to propose that the Access Control aspects of COAS tracks with
HRAC.  I copied this email to the one submission team that I am aware of


> Certianly COAS must take careful note of access controls.  The
> may well have access rights attached to them which may prevent
queriers from
> returning the full information, as well as rights which may have been
> imposed at the system, place or country level.

Yep.  We crossed this issue in the development of PIDS too.  The nice
thing is that by specifying the interface in COAS as an object the true
implementation is encapsulated.  The implementation can filter the
contents before it returns it.
[end snip] --