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Re: [COAS-List] Teleconference?

I will be unavailable from 2 July - 14 July.

>>> Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com> 06/30 6:42 PM >>>
Charles Carman wrote:
> I am trying to plan my travel for the end of July, and I am not certain
> where and when the COAS submitters group is meeting after the meeting in
> Boulder, CO the third week in July.  Will we be meeting in Helsinki around
> the CORBAmed meetings or somewhere else at about the same time or ...???

As I understand it we will be meeting 21-23 July in Boulder, CO area and
then the next week in Helsinki on Monday and/or Thursday.  Even if a few
of the submitters from the US can make Helsinki it should be useful if
the Europeans are going to attend.  I received a message from Peter
Nicklin indicating that some of them would be there.

> If no decision, or concensus has been reached yet, could we hold a
> teleconference soon to decide on this point so that we can make travel
> arraingments before it gets too late (and too expensive)?

If we need a teleconference OK.  As far as I am concerned I am going to
Helsinki so we can meet with Peter Nicklin and the rest of the European
crew.  If it is just you, me and them that is OK.  We might be able to
get a proposal put together to bring back to the rest.

