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[COAS-List] Teleconference?

I am trying to plan my travel for the end of July, and I am not certain
where and when the COAS submitters group is meeting after the meeting in
Boulder, CO the third week in July.  Will we be meeting in Helsinki around
the CORBAmed meetings or somewhere else at about the same time or ...???
I am sorry that we at Philips Medical Systems missed the most recent COAS
submitters teleconference.  Was this discussed?
If no decision, or concensus has been reached yet, could we hold a
teleconference soon to decide on this point so that we can make travel
arraingments before it gets too late (and too expensive)?

Chuck Carman

P.S.  If a teleconference was held, could someone please post the minutes,
notes of what was discussed and decided during the meeting.  Thanks.