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Re: CADSE Workshop: a design of an authorization service

Please make an effort to attend the Friday's workshop. Konstantin: Please
give sufficient introduction about CORBA security service before discussing
the HRAC.

-- Yi Deng

Konstantin Beznosov wrote:

> Hi all,
> This Friday at 2PM I will present a design of an authorization service
> compliant with the current proposal of the OMG Healthcare Resource Access
> Control Service.
> The objective of the workshop is to discuss pros and cons of the design and to
> brainstorm on its improvements as well as to identify what should be done to
> make the design ready for implementation.
> I will post slides later. At this point I will just refer to the initial
> version of the proposed specification:
> http://www.omg.org/docs/corbamed/98-10-02.pdf
> See you all on Friday at 2PM in CADSE labs.
> Konstantin Beznosov
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