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Re: OMG RFI/RFP/RFC process

RFC's track at OMG (as opposed to the one in IETF) is rather an emergency track
for those vendors who already have well established technology and that
technology dominates the market. 

For example, the last Friday, some manufacturing technology was opened for
public comments as an RFC through the OMG.
Apparently, almost all businesses in manufacturing use that technology to solve
particular (probably narrow, well defined) problems.

But, the OMG standardization process [was|is] not meant to use RFC track often
at all. So, I do not think issuing an RFC is a sign of domain/area maturity.
It's rather a sign of monopoly in one or another form.


> I dont know enough about CORBA based technologies in healthcare to comment
> on that. In any case I wonder how mature the HealthCare Domain is to
> warrant any RFCs. 
> There seem to be a lot of things undiscovered/undefined in healthcare,
> and that by itself generates a lot of debate. 
> Does anybody see any RFCs in the foreseeable future?
> Jinny.
> You can observe a lot just by watchin'.                    - Yogi Berra-
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jinny Uppal,                                   E-mail: jinnyu@usa.net
> SCS,Florida International University,                  juppal01@cs.fiu.edu
> Miami, Florida (The SunShine State)      Phone (Work): 305-348-6238
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Konstantin Beznosov wrote:
> > Jinny,
> > 
> > > In any case, given the current state of affairs, I will be surprised to
> > > see an OMG RFC for CORBAMed being accepted without debate!
> > 
> > Do you know any mature CORBA-based technologies in healthcare that
> > deserve OMG's RFC?
> > 
> > Konstantin
> > 
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