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Re: OMG RFI/RFP/RFC process

I dont know enough about CORBA based technologies in healthcare to comment
on that. In any case I wonder how mature the HealthCare Domain is to
warrant any RFCs. 
There seem to be a lot of things undiscovered/undefined in healthcare,
and that by itself generates a lot of debate. 
Does anybody see any RFCs in the foreseeable future?

You can observe a lot just by watchin'.                    - Yogi Berra-
Jinny Uppal,                                   E-mail: jinnyu@usa.net
SCS,Florida International University,                  juppal01@cs.fiu.edu
Miami, Florida (The SunShine State)      Phone (Work): 305-348-6238

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Konstantin Beznosov wrote:

> Jinny,
> > In any case, given the current state of affairs, I will be surprised to
> > see an OMG RFC for CORBAMed being accepted without debate!
> Do you know any mature CORBA-based technologies in healthcare that deserve
> OMG's RFC?
> Konstantin
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