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[Fwd: COAS Submission Kickoff]

See attached: for those of you who are interested in joining a CORBAmed
specification effort.  The Clinical Observation Access Service (COAS) is
a major service for the Computerized Patient Record (CPR) as these
interfaces would be implemented across all information systems that
collect or generate clinical information (images, reports, lab, echo,
vital signs, etc).  FIU could, like BHS, become a supporter of this
submission (as we don't manufacture commercial software).



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I would like to propose an audio teleconference to kickoff the COAS
submission.  So far, our team consists of Philips Medical, BHSSF, Care Flow
Net, and Protocol Systems.  I will post an invitation to the corbamed
mailing list inviting other interested parties to join in.

The teleconference will take place on Thursday 16 April 1998 at 4:30 pm EDT
(1:30 pm PDT).  I will provide a dial-in number for the call later.  I
propose the we base our proposal on the Protocol Systems' COBS work, in
conjunction with the work by Philips, Care Flow Net and BHSSF on the
MIRACLE project.  Specifically, I propose that we submit COBS vital signs
as the specific clinical type(s) required in the RFP, with the coded
concepts and generalized return mechanism (result_union) extended by what
we know from MIRACLE (labs, ADT, reports, images).  I will send out some
material about this prior to the conference call.  In any event, we will
discuss all of this on the teleconference.

Please let me know if this date/time is good for you.  If not, please
provide some alternatives.


Bob Glicksman  
Chief Scientist, MedGRiD Program 
Integrated Clinical Solutions
bobg@medgrid.philips.com              Philips Medical Systems   
voice:  (650) 426-2551                2171 Landings Drive
fax:    (650) 426-2550                Mountain View, CA 94043-0837
Pager:  800-759-7243, PIN# 4856736

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