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Trip Report from Manchester Object Management Group Meeting

Hi All,
  I'd like to share with everyone my trip report for the Manchester
Object Management Group (OMG) Techinical Meeting.  The trip report
mainly outlines events that occured within the healthcare domain task
force, CORBAmed.  The report also outlines some Business Object Domain
Task Force, formerly the Common Facilities TF, and Architecture Board
acitivities.  The next OMG meeting will take place during the second
week of June in Orlando, FL.

Eric N.
Eric Navarro
Systems Architect
CPR/Object Technology, IT
Baptist Health Systems of South Florida

Title: CORBAed Domain Task Force Plenary Session - 3/30/98
Manchester OMG Technical Meeting Trip Report
Location:   Manchester, UK
Dates:        March 30, 1998 to April 4, 1998
Attendees: Eric Navarro

CORBAmed Domain Task Force Plenary Session - 3/30/98

Brief CORBAmed and OMG introduction by Harold Solbrig from 3M.

Brief Note: Votes for the week will include a Healthcare Data Interpretation RFP, Life Science RFP on Biomolecular Sequence Analysis, and Lexicon Query Final Submission.

Healthcare Data Interpretation Facility RFP

Life Sciences Domain SIG - Biomolecular Sequence Analysis Lexicon Query Service Final Submission Paul Cooper - Discussion of European CORBAmed chapter. Trying to encourage European participation in CORBAmed as well as trying to make sure that the differences between European standards and American standards are include in CORBAmed specification submissions. Will be introducing three main areas: Enterprise Management, Patient Record Locator Service, and Card Management.

Decision Support Working Group - 3/30/98

Work on verbage for Healthcare Data Interpretation Facility RFP.

Enterprise Management Working Group - 3/30/98

View of Enterprise Management as seen through the Star Project within the European community..

The Enterprise Management Architecture seems to be more like a portion of a Healthcare Scheduling Service and/or a Resource Management Service. The Enterprise Resource Management can be summed up as:

The group began to bring up services such as Credentialing, Patient IDentification Service, Lexicon Query Service, Scheduling, Resource Management, Trader, etc. The Enterprise Management sounds like a use of all these services together to provide a service for an enterprise to find, identify and use resources and other functionality across that enterprise.

Services defined under Enterprise Management:

There was talk within the group that most of the work should be taken up with the Roadmap Group. The group has begun to notice that there are inter-relationships with services that have not been identified yet. The Roadmap WG should define these inter-relationships/interactions.

Roadmap Working Group - 3/31/98

The Roadmap needs to be able to allow CORBAmed to systematically issue RFIs/RFPs instead of ad hoc. This would be accomplished by having an overall picture of the CORBAmed Domain. This overall picture would include services and/or modules that interoperated at some level.

Review of the Roadmap charter - Overall the group agreed with the charter.

The main discussion focused around the fact that some services are healthcare specific while others are generic to the overall OMG body but that are needed by a particular domain.

The idea of issuing and producing a healthcare framework or healthcare template might set an example to other domains. It will also serve the purpose of helping to coordinate between domains, as the other domains will know what CORBAmed really needs.

Topics to discuss:

The group agreed to try and determine the modality to use to try and describe the templates or frameworks for the purpose of mandating it within the RFI. This way the responses to the RFI will be coherent and understandable by everyone in the Roadmap WG. A meeting has been scheduled for April 1st in the morning to discuss the modality.

Patient Record Locator Service - 3/31/98

The Patient Records Locator Service in the star architecture is the Patient Reference Manager. The Patient Reference Manager is comprised of Patient ID, public patient demographics, References, and Access Criteria.

Etienne S. - The Patient Record Locator is more of a Data Directory that helps to tie in Clinical Data (which may be contained in the COAS), referral information, admission, etc.

The Patient Data/Record Locator can be viewed as a coordinator between information that is distributed across clinical data services. The Patient Data/Record Locator is very close to building our client application that will pull together information from clinical data services.

The Patient Data Locator seems to be a service that may me useful once COAS and some other clinical data services (ie Image Access Service, Report Management, etc.) are adopted.

CORBAmed Domain Task Force Plenary Session - 4/2/98

Reports from the Working Groups:

Roadmap - new charter has been accepted by the DTF.  The group agreed to create a Green Paper to act as a strawman for further discussion on the CHST.  Several organizations will try and begin creating the CHSTs and have samples that the group will look over in Orlando.  The Green Paper and the examples will server the purpose of a first pass at what the CHST will look like.  If the group agrees on the way the CHST is described in the Green Paper and within the examples, they may be included into an RFI for organizations to respond.

Security - brief presentations were conducted on certificates, smart cards and some talk on credentialling went on within the Security WG. The Security WG has recommended that the Credentialling WG change their name to something like Professional Certificates, due to the naming conflict with the credentials within the CORBAsecurity specification. Several RFPs will be drafted for the Helsinki time frame.

Biomedical Imaging - Most of the session was used to discuss the Image Access Service RFP 98-03-24 and it will try to be issued at the Orlando meeting. The next draft RFP will try and come out in the Orlando meeting. It will focus on Streamed Image RFP.

Clinical Encounter Service - From the original Encounter Management discussion in Salt Lake City a Demographics Service was discussed. A white paper on Demographics was published and is on the OMG server.  More discussion will try to take place in Orlando on the subject of a Demographics Service.

Enterprise Management - Presented on the RICHE/STAR enterprise manager. Enterprise Management is the collection of tings related to the management of a healthcare organization. Enterprise Management includes: scheduling, authorizations, organizational structure description, resources, procedures/protocols, and service planning/management.

Card Management - Current uses of smartcards in Europe: healthcare professional (identification), patient administration, patient data, and multifunctional.

Record Locator Service - Presentations: Record location in STAR - PRM, Data Directory Service (Etienne Saliez), Record Agents (Damon Berry), Integrated and navigable data (David Jones). Record Locator Service has dependencies on COAS, PIDS, other clinical data. The Record Locator is basically a directory service.

Transcription - Distributed the white paper and began outlining a draft RFP. The draft RFP will be ready to be voted on in Orlando.

Other Discussions: Marketing: Voting:  

Business Object Domain Task Force (BODTF) Plenary Session - 4/1/98

Workflow Management Facility -

Business Object Facility - Discussed the role of BOCA within the CORBA world. Also discussed that the BOCA submission touches upon several other domains and platforms, such as OA&D, CORBA core, and IDL.

Business Object Facility Working Group - David Depinet presented to the group the Evaluation WG's re-recommendation to adopt the BOCA.

Several vendors have raised the point that the technology should be adopted and that most of the time, specifications that come out of OMG are not perfect the first time around. The argument is in effect, get the specification out there and we'll revise it later.

The OA&D has brought up the point that the BOCA has come a long way and that both BOCA and UML both conform to the Meta-Object Facility. Their only concern is that the BOCA and UML meta-model have areas of overlap, beyond the current BOCA to UML mapping, that should be taken care before the specification is adopted.

  • Vote Seconded
  • Approved
  •   BOCA Interoperability Evaluation Working Group - recommends for adoption after all changes that were recommended have been added into specification.
  • Vote Seconded
  • Approved
  •   Common Business Objects Evaluation Working Group - recommends to adopt CBOs either as a multiple CBO submission or as individual CBO submissions.

    Meeting Adjourned - 12:35PM

    Architecture Board Plenary Session - 4/2/98

    Policies and Procedures

    Two P&P recommendations were recommended for approval to the Domain Technical (DTC) Committee and Platform Technical Committee (PTC).  Request for Proposals Realtime Dynamic Scheduling
  • Motion defeated
  • Fault Tolerance Using Redundant Entities
  • Motion approved
  • Biomolecular Sequence Analysis
  • Motion approved
  • Healthcare Data Interpretation Facility
  • Motion approved
  • Technology Adoptions Three more submissions were looked at by the Architecture Board, but after the Notification Service, the AB had a break session at 6:00PM.  Any RFPs and Technology Adoptions recommended by the Architecture Board are still subject to approval by both the Domain Technical Committee or Platform Technical Committee votes that were scheduled for Friday April 4th, 1998.  The next OMG Technical Meeting will occur in Orlando, Florida sometime in the second week of June 1998.