Here is a list of selected journals and conferences:
- J.A.N. Lee and X. He: "A Methodology for Test Selection", Journal of Systems and Software, vol.13, no.3, 1990, 177-185.
- Zhu and X. He: "A Methodology for Testing High-Level Petri Nets", Information and Software Technology, vol.44, 2002, 473-489.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- H. Zhu and X. He: "A Theory of Testing High-Level Petri Nets", Proc. of the IFIP 16th World Computer Congress, Beijing, China, August, 2000, 443-450.
- H. Zhu and X. He: "Constructions of Behavior Observation Schemes in Software Testing", Proc. of the 5th High Assurance Computer Systems (HASE2000), New Mexico, Nov. 2000, 7-16.
- H. Zhu and X. He: "An Observation Theory of Integration Testing for Component-Based Software Development", Proc. of the 25th International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC'2001), Chicago, 2001, 363-370.
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