List of Selected Publications from the Object-Oriented Technologies research project:
Book Series
- X. He and Y. Ding: "Object Orientation in Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", Advances in Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.2001, 2001.
- X. He: "Formalizing Class Diagrams Using Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", Proc. of the 24th International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC'2000), IEEE Computer Society, Taiwan, Oct., 2000, 217-222.
- X. He: "Formalizing Use Case Diagrams in Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", Proc. of the IFIP 16th World Computer Congress, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Beijing, China, August, 2000, 484-491.
- S. Lewandowski and X. He: "A Java Framework for Implementing Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'98), San Francisco, 1998, 261-268.
- S. Lewandowski and X. He: "Automating the Generation of Code for A Hierarchical Predicate Transition Net Based Design", Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Chicago, July, 2000, 15-22.
- Z. Dong and X. He: "Integrating UML Statechart and Collaboration Diagrams Using Hierarchical Predicate Transition Nets", Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-7, 2001, 99-112.
- H. Reza and X. He: "Petri Net Patterns: Elements of Reusable Petri Net Specifications", Proc. of the 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Las Vegas, July, 2002, 173-179.
- Z. Dong, Y. Fu, and X. He: "Deriving Hierarchical Predicate/Transition Nets from Statechart Diagrams - A Case Study", Proc. of SEKE 2003, California, 2003, 150-157.
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