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No Subject

> 1. An encounter that is the basic unit of accounting and is set up on
> at the start of a period of care, and continues to exist as a charging
> reference until deemed to be complete (whenever that may be).  (In the
> UK we sometimes call this a "completed consultant episode").
> 2. An inpatient or outpatient visit.
> 3. A visit to a particular specialist: say cardiologist or 
> radiologist/radiographer.
> 4. The *clinical* responsibility that a medic, nurse or PAM has for a 
> patient, the nature of that responsibility, its start timepoint and 
> end timepoint.
> 5. An episode of a disease or morbidity, the clinical activities 
> performed to manage, control or cure it, its start and end 
> timepoints and who defined that episode.
> I'm sure others can think of more.
> Peter Nicklin
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Peter Nicklin, NHS IMC,
> c/o CHSR, 21 Claremont Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4AA, UK
> Tel: +44 191 230 3614   Fax: +44 191 230 4563  Mobile: +44 831 198319
> X400: imc/G=Peter/S=Nicklin/O=nhs_imc/OU=cbs@mhs.attmail.com


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