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RE: [COAS-List] Plan for final submitters meetings and documentation dates

Hi Sascha,

I have asked for a room for Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.
In the past, although the rooms are "reserved" from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, the
COAS submitters present have decided how long we would meet after looking
at the list of things we wanted to discuss during that meeting.
Thus, we will probably start at 1:15 pm on Thursday (I hope in the OMG
meeting hotel) and end sometime between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.  On Friday, my
guess is that we will meeting from 8:30 am until sometime between 5:00 and
6:00 pm, depending on the amount of stuff we need to discuss and the
schedules of the people at the meeting.  If most of us need to leave at
3:00 to catch flights, we will probably end at 3:00 pm.  I can not predict
right now when the meeting will end, although I am not traveling until
early Saturday AM.

As far as agenda is concerned, we will likely review the model and the
service definitions.  I would hope that we could spend some time discussing
the enterprise level details, such as federation, and dependencies on LQS,
PIDS, Trader, Naming, etc.

See you on Thursday.

Chuck Carman

At 09:57 AM 1/7/99 -0700, Sascha A. Koenig wrote:
>Hi Charles,
>I would like to join your COAS Meeting at the OMG on thursday till friday.
>Can you give me time & locations as well as how long it will take on friday?
>And a last question: Who can add me to your COAS mailinglist?
>Sascha A. Koenig
>Los Alamos National Laboratory
>Los Alamos, NM 87545
>fon: +1 (505) 665-6057  fax: +1 (505) 665-4939
>mailto:Koenig@lanl.gov  mailto:Sascha@Koenig.net