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Re: [COAS-List] Last Week's Meeting - kind-of-date

(My name is Angelo.
I work in Rome for the NAtional Research Council.
I just joined the list.
My background is in terminological systems and "clinical" semantics.
I contributed to the CorbaLEX proposal.
I'm active in CEN/TC251 and I'm a member of HL7, in the XML SIG and
in the template task force)

At 14.11 21/12/98 -0800, Tim Brinson wrote:
>Hello Gang,
> Times:
> dictation
> transcribed
> sign-off
> attestation
> recorded
> observation
> onset
> procedure
> projection
> consultation
> specimen drawn
> lab processing times
> verification
> QA review
> collection
> results become available

Some time ago I was proposing to the XML SIG to
start some work on dates.

I've listed three types of dates, that I merge here with
the above list.

- dates of documenting
(create, edit, attesting, storing in a database, transcribing, etc)
> dictation
> transcribed
> sign-off
> attestation
> recorded

- dates of awareness
(reporting by patient, observing by professional, reading a mesage, etc)
> results become available

- dates of (clinically meaningful) events
(sampling, observing [again ! ! event = awareness here], informing, operating, etc)
> observation
> onset
> procedure
> projection
> consultation
> specimen drawn
> lab processing times
> verification
> QA review
> collection

I'm not considering for the moment temporal information
not presented as a date in a separate processable item
(e.g. "three weeks ago" within a text).

If someone is interested in refining the above comments,
or is able to give me a reference about previous work,
I'll appreciate.


Angelo Rossi Mori, Reparto Informatica Medica,
Istituto Tecnologie Biomediche, CNR
viale Marx 15, I-00137, Roma, Italy

tel. + 39 - 06 827 71 01; fax + 39 - 06 827 36 65