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Re: [COAS-List] Plan for final submitters meetings anddocumentation dates

> Charles Carman wrote:
> >   1/25-29/99 - HL7 meeting near Orlando, FL
> >         Submitters meeting either (Mon. and Tues.) or (Thurs. and Fri.)
> Who is going to contact HL7 about this?  Stan said that HL7 might have
> extra rooms.  They have provided rooms for other groups in the past
> (e.g. IEEE 1073).  We can see if they would do that for us as well since
> the intent of the COAS meeting is for harmonization between the COAS
> work and HL7 work.
> Does anyone know who to contact at HL7?

I guess you want to go via Wes Rishel (wes@rishel.com) and tell what
you want to do? meet, with how many people? what to accomplish in
relation to HL7? Now the room schedule is most probably closed since
we did the room balancing months ago. Therefore the only people that
could make things work on a short notice would be Wes Rishel
(technical committee vice chair), John Quinn (technical commitee
chair) or Woody Beeler (HL7 chair). You'll find their contacts through
the HL7.org web site. I'd contact them by phone since they are quite


Gunther Schadow ----------------------------------- http://aurora.rg.iupui.edu
Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
1001 W 10th Street RG5, Indianapolis IN 46202, Phone: (317) 630 7960
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