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Re: [COAS-List] Re: COAS Conf. Call Thursday

Hi folks,

Sorry I've been out of action for a while with a series of tight deadlines
to meet.  I would have liked to join in this afternoon but I have a meeting
scheduled at about the same time which is not liable to finish very quickly.
There is a mountain of COAS (and other CORBAmed) email that I am wading
through (it seems that as fast as I get through it, more arrives!) and hope
to be able to discuss things with you soon.

Best regards and I hope all goes well this afternoon,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Kratz <mkratz@umich.edu>
To: Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>
Cc: coas@cs.fiu.edu <coas@cs.fiu.edu>
Date: 07 October 1998 14:57
Subject: [COAS-List] Re: COAS Conf. Call Thursday

>The next COAS Conf. Call has been scheduled for this Thursday, October 8th
>(yes tomorrow) from 1200-1400 EDT (0900-1100 PDT).
>The number for the meet-me conference line is (734)763-7839.