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[COAS-List] Re: A suggested model

Take a look at the RFP mentioned below first. There is a pre-Orlando version
and a post-Orlando version. The pre-Orlando version had a place for
"value_types". There was a discussion regarding whether or not to include it
in this RFP or issue a separate one. I have always believed it needed to be
an integral part of the framework at this level. Since the RFP is currently
a work in progress, we could put it back in with some support.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Dixon <R.M.Dixon@comhealth.hull.ac.uk>
To: David A. Schramm <dschramm@ipworld.com>; Timothy Slidel
<slidel@ebi.ac.uk>; Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>; Pablo Madril
<pablo.cis@epm.br>; Jeanette Breton <breton@shellus.com>; Harold Solbrig
<HRSOLBRIG@wpmail.code3.com>; Evan Wallace <ewallace@cme.nist.gov>; Eric
Neumann <eneumann@netgenics.com>; Edward Barkmeyer <edbark@nist.gov>; David
Benton <W_David_Benton@sbphrd.com>; Cory Casanave <cory-c@dataaccess.com>;
Chris Nelson <chris@dimension-edi.com>
Cc: COAS <coas@cs.fiu.edu>
Date: Friday, July 31, 1998 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: A suggested model

>>Wow. This is a great model.
>Glad you like it :-)
>> We have implemented a very similar one although
>>not quite as good as this. Have you taken a look at the Boca Application
>>Components RFP document? UQM are one part of a larger set of business
>>Our approach has been to associate "BocaAttributes" with "ValueTypes" so
>>that they can be replaced as needed locally.
>Haven't had chance to look at it yet but will do as soon as possible.
>>I would certainly like to see this included in submissions to this RFP if
>>ever get to issue it.
>OK - I'm ready if anyone else is. There haven't been many responses on this
>I could start to have a go at a skeletal RFP, but don't think I can do this
>alone for 3 reasons:
>i) I am not up to speed with BOCA or the details of the workings of CORBA
>ii) as a University, I don't think we can officially be submitters to the
>iii) I've got too much on to do it all!
>I'm not sure what your current position is, Dave?  And under what DTF would
>we issue the RFP (not that it matters at the moment):  CORBAmed and the DTF
>working on BOCA are likely candidates.
FN:David A. Schramm
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