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[COAS-List] Re: CORBAmed Clinical Observation Access Service


Thank you for the response.  This sounds great.  I will try to contact
Ted and Abdul-Malik again today but I reallize it is unlikely this
information will be available for our meeting next week.  

It is unfortunate the HL7 and OMG meetings are during the same week in
September.  I'm not sure which of us will attend wich meeting.  At least
the meetings are on the same coast.  We might be able to attend part of
each.  Hopefully we can get together before then to review/meld ideas.  

It sounds like the Europeans are quite open to working with HL7 too.  We
were told of a project called EHCR-SupA that is working to integrate the
various European (and non-European) models.  We can bring back (our
interpretation of) what their thoughts are on this.

On the COAS list we have been discussing how the ultimate harmonization
of the complete models may take years (lifetimes).  But by tackling
small pieces at a time we will be heading in the right direction.  COAS
is trying to focus on one of the small areas.


Tim Brinson

George Beeler wrote:
> Tim -
> First, you are correct that there have been SIGNIFICANT changes to the
> modeling of observations as a result of the proposals reviewed at the RIM
> Harmonization Meeting held three weeks ago in Boston.  The current status
> of the model is that Karen VanHentenryck, supporting Ted Klein, is
> preparing RIM Version 0.85.  This will be available in a couple of weeks.
>  It will contain the essence of the changes correctly stated, but will be
> subject to a "technical correction" prior to the end of August. (RIM 0.86
> will include the technical correction, and will be released for use at the
> September HL7 Working Group Meeting.)
> At present, I am in Australia and cannot help further.  I trust that Ted
> and/or Abdul-Malik can steer you to better information to support your
> efforts.
> Yours .... Woody Beeler
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