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[COAS-List] Re: [Fwd: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: cs.fiu.edu: non-recoverable error)]

Tim and other Coas members,
Worldcom experienced a fiber cut Wednesday (July 15th) in Jacksonville, FL which effectively
severed Internet connectivity to Florida.  They were trying to reroute network traffic yesterday
so some people could get through.  I was informed this morning that WorldCom fixed the problem and
that everything should be okay.

Eric N.

Tim Brinson wrote:

> Eric,
> I keep getting bounced email from the list today.  I tried both 'coas'
> and 'coas-request'.
> Tim
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: cs.fiu.edu: non-recoverable error)
> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 14:41:42 -0700
> From: Mailer-Daemon (Mail Delivery Subsystem)
> To: <tim@protocol.com>
> The original message was received at Wed, 15 Jul 1998 14:40:02 -0700
> from smap@localhost
>    ----- The following addresses had delivery problems -----
> <coas-request@cs.fiu.edu>  (unrecoverable error)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> 550 <coas-request@cs.fiu.edu>... Host unknown (Name server: cs.fiu.edu: non-recoverable error)
>    ----- Original message follows -----
> Return-Path: <tim@protocol.com>
> Received: by  protocol.com (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
>         id OAA21935; Wed, 15 Jul 1998 14:40:02 -0700
> Received: from mailhost( by iwall via smap (V2.0)
>         id xma021913; Wed, 15 Jul 98 14:39:37 -0700
> Received: from protocol.com by protocol.com (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
>         id OAA29985; Wed, 15 Jul 1998 14:39:35 -0700
> Sender: tim@protocol.com
> Message-ID: <35AD2195.15DBB28D@protocol.com>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 14:39:33 -0700
> From: Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>
> Organization: Protocol Systems, Inc.
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: coas-request@cs.fiu.edu
> Subject: (no subject)
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> content-length: 4
> who
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Tim Brinson <tim@protocol.com>
>   Systems Software Lead
>   Protocol Systems, Inc.
>   Tim Brinson
>   Systems Software Lead    <tim@protocol.com>
>   Protocol Systems, Inc.   HTML Mail
>   8500 SW Creekside Place  Work: 503 526 4392
>   Beaverton                Fax: 503 526 4200
>   Oregon                   Netscape Conference Address
>   97008-7107               Netscape Conference DLS Server
>   USA
>   [Image]
>   Additional Information:
>   Last Name     Brinson
>   First Name    Tim
>   Version       2.1