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[COAS-List] Medical Multimedia Report PT Document available (fwd)

FYI, here is a model that better fits CIAS, but may apply to COAS.


Mary E. Kratz
University of Michigan Health System
Medical Center Information Technology - Special Projects Division
4251 Plymouth Road, Suite 3300
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785
v:(313)763-6871 f:(313)763-0629

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 18:43:17 +0100
From: Nicholas Brown <N.J.G.B@btinternet.com>
To: Peter Jackson <p.jackson@imgimcspg2.demon.co.uk>,
    Per-Egil Hansen <per-egil@immeurope.com>,
    Per Torlof <per.torlof@skane.se>,
    Melvin Reynolds <melvin_r@amsc.demon.co.uk>,
    Katrine Weisteen Bjerde <k.w.bjerde@rh.uio.no>,
    Karin Kajbjer <karin.kajbjer@hss.se>,
    Eliot Siegel <esiegel@umaryland.edu>,
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    Angelo Rossi Mori <angelo@color.irmkant.rm.cnr.it>,
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    Mary Kratz <mkratz@umich.edu>, Nick Booth <n.s.booth@ncl.ac.uk>,
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    Don Van Syckle <vansyckled@merge.com>,
    William R Hendee <whendee@mcw.edu>,
    Yasser ALSafadi <yha@philabs.research.philips.com>
Subject: Medical Multimedia Report PT Document available

Dear Colleague

Re: CEN PT 34 Medical Multimedia Reports Project Team

I am the Project team leader for the above European Commission funded 
project which is focused on Multimedia reports such as Radiology reports.  

I have put your name on my list of people to be kept informed when we put a

document on the CEN TC251 web site for general comment.

A revised draft called INR2 has been placed on the site today.  I must
stress that it is only a draft and is subject to change.  However I believe
that you would find it interesting.  Please pass this message on to anyone
who you think might be interested.

It is based on the INR presented by the Project Team to CEN/TC251 WG IV
Technology for Interoperability at its meeting last month in Cork Ireland
where it attracted lengthy discussion!

The document has a completely new Introduction which is meant to be good
reading for all, not just Medical Informaticians!  It should give a clear
idea about what the PT is aiming at.  Please let me know if you do not

The next step is to put in the Use Cases and modelling.  An extended and
further revised draft is scheduled for the end of August.

In the mean time - 
   please send me your immediate comments - 
  or maybe ask  me to take your name off the list!

To download: 
go to site www.centc251.org  and Click on the following:

Work Items &
Project Teams

   List of
Work Items



Then select from Word, PDF or RTF.


Nicholas Brown
email:  njgb@medphys.ucl.ac.uk
The Sheiling
New Alresford
SO24 9TQ