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3.10 ../images/greenball.gifWhere can I get a tutorial about CORBASEC?


Konstantin Beznosov
(July, 1998):

There was tutorial on CORBA Security service during the first day of the Second Workshop on Distributed Object Computing Security given by Bret Hartman (Concept Five Technologies, Inc.).

Steve Parker
(January, 1999) 8:

There is a downloadable presentation in PDF format on "Security Concepts for Distributed Component Systems" By Walt Smith of Tekna, which contains an overview of the CORBASEC architecture.

This was a presentation to the 21st National Information Systems Security Conference

It is available at:


Luis Espinal
(May, 1999) 9: ``A Quick Tour Of the CORBA Security Service'' is available at, by David Chizmadia, reprinted from ``Information Security Bulletin'', September 1998.