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usage growth of telemedicine devices

From: Eric S. Johnson <esj@cs.fiu.edu>


Experts say, telemedical equipment, from the most basic to the most
elaborate, is spreading from small medical centers
in the underserved parts of America that spurred its birth several decades
ago to homes in densely populated areas of
the country.

A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
reported a sharp increase in the use of the remote equipment, both in and
out of the home, from 1,715 consultations in 1993 to a projected 90,000 last
year. In the last several years, the magazine reported, usage has doubled
each year.

And as high-capacity Internet lines spread to ordinary households, the
practice is expected to become more widespread.

Experts still suggest that this kind of home care will continue to grow
fastest for treating people in hard-to-reach places.

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